
Below is Remy, Josette’s new grandson, son of Jourdan and Tobin wearing the little vest I made him.

Yesterday I felt so ill.  Now as the storm of it is passing, my mood lifts as well.

So, I’ve been three days in a row to work with ponies.  The first two days I mostly just brought them in and brushed them.  I worked some on being the leader in the pasture which Jasper figured out quite quickly and Spencer appreciated.  It is amazing to become sensitive to things I was so powerless over previously.  I just assumed it had to be the way it was, with Jasper bossing Spencer around.
Today I took Spencer out in a rope halter.  There is so much to learn from the simplest putting on of the halter.  I can do it now in a way that invites Spencer to help by putting his head down and turning it toward me.  The little things make so much difference.

I took him out toward the arena.  It’s amazing actually how many little things I never thought of!  I walked so that anything scary was on my side, so I was in between him and the scary thing.  That way, if he spooked away from the scary thing, he would not run into me.  Last fall he spooked something while I was leading him and he ran right into me.  I had never thought of this simple way!  So I took him out and each time I lost his attention because he was worried about something or just distracted, I stopped and waited.  When he checked in with me, I would praise him and walk on.  We walked around the big field, with me on the side of all the scary hedges.  He spooked some and I just waited until he turned to me and nuzzled and then I’d move on.  I would not let him eat and had t
o give a strong intervention to make this impression on him.  He got it.  It was nice.  By the end, he was staying more connected.  I’m not sure it was relaxing for him.  I still feel a bit tight around doing it right or wrong.  I need to become more aware of when he’s making an effort.

I then brought him into the round pen and worked on his responsiveness to my direction.  He did great.  I do think he’s becoming quite attached to me.

Took a short walk with Danielle.  Translated some of Gui Zhi Jia Fu Zi Tang.

Considering the house at 712 Pratt Corner Road.